How to set up a Data Room's Terms of Use

How to set up a Data Room's Terms of Use

  1. Start in the Data Room that requires the Terms of Use
  2. Go to Data Room Administration tab
  • Any user who has access to the Data Room Administration can change the Terms of Use
  1. On the left, in the vertical navigation, select the Info Portal section. The header will be updated to Manage Info Portal Articles
  2. Under the header and description will be links. Click Edit Terms of Use link.
  • Even if it is the first time a Terms of Use is created for the Data Room the link will be label Edit terms of Use
  • The link Remove Terms of Use will only appear if the Terms of Use is set up
  1. The pop up “Edit Terms of Use” will appear within the application. The subject/title is prepopulated to “Special Terms of Use for this Dataroom.” Place your terms of use text in the Content text box.
  • It operates the same as if a user was creating an article.
  • The terms of use can be put into a document in the Data Room and then attached to this pop up without having to put text in the content text box. However, all users must have the permissions to View Item and either Download Brainmark Document or Download Original Document so users can see what they are agreeing too. When previewing the Terms of Use with a document attached, the preview will not show the text that will come up at the bottom of the “Special Terms of Use for This Dataroom” pop up but above the check box agreeing to the Terms of use. The text is “You have to download the Terms of Use in order to proceed:” followed by the link Open Brainmark or Open. If both Brainmark and Original are checked then the Terms of Use defaults to the Original. It does not give the user two options.
  • Agreement to Terms of Use is recorded in History.
  1. Click the Save button
  • Every time there is a change to the contents or the attachment, the terms of use must be accepted again by the users.

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